Guiding You On Your
Technology Journey

IT Assessment, Strategy & Planning

Your IT Infrastructure has evolved over time, but so too has your business. It is inevitable that you will reach a point where your IT environment is no longer perfectly aligned to the needs of your business, not fully supporting your goals and aspirations, and worse still, holding you back.

The pace of change of technology is faster than ever before and the risks faced from cyber attacks have never been greater. You not only need to ensure that your IT infrastructure is fit for purpose, but have clarity of where you need to invest in the future and a roadmap that will deliver the best possible value to the business and services to your end-users and customers.

We believe that step one is to gain full visibility into your existing environment, your network, your security posture and how both of these are delivering against your business goals. Once you understand where you are, then it becomes easier to map out your future, creating a strategy and roadmap that takes you to where you want to be.

IT Infrastructure Visibility & Assessment

How do you address issues that you do not truly understand? You know your network is not performing as it should be as your end-users are telling you so.

You are concerned that the security measures you have in place are not as effective as they were, and you are facing an ever-increasing amount of phishing and malware attacks by email.

IT Infrastructure Visibility and Assessment - NAK

Visibility is key; you want to understand the traffic traversing your network, the demands being placed on it and the vulnerabilities that exist from core to edge.

This is why NAK provide a comprehensive range of assessment services. These are designed to drill down on key parts of your infrastructure, capture critical data points and leverage these to identify changes you can make now and better inform future infrastructure decisions.

IT Infrastructure visibility
HighPoint Security and Network Performance Assessment

Security & Network Performance Assessment

Our Security & Network Performance Assessment provides you with the deep insight into your security posture and your ability to block malicious attacks on your network.

Secure SD WAN Assessment

Secure SD-WAN Assessment

Our Secure SD-WAN Assessment drills down on your branch infrastructure to understand the applications that are running on your WAN edge, its’ security posture and performance.


HighPoint Email Risk Assessment

Email Risk Assessment

The NAK Email Risk Assessment provides you with a comprehensive review of your security posture and exposed risk in terms of the primary attack vector, email entering your organisation.

NAK Security & Infrastructure
Assessment Programme

Providing you with the detailed visibility and insight into your security infrastructure, email and secure WAN, identifying key risks in your security posture and where to optimise performance.


NAK Security & Infrastructure Assessment Programme

IT Strategy & Planning

Our Assessment services provide you with the visibility you need into how your current IT environment is performing and understanding of where risk exists and where your current infrastructure is failing to meet the needs of your business. But what do you do next? You have many choices available to you and deciding which path to take can be daunting.

This is where NAK can inject both expertise and a practical approach to map out your technology roadmap and guide you on making the right decisions to both maximise return on investment and to deliver on the needs and aspirations of your business.

IT Strategy and Planning to mitigate risks

We help you to understand what is possible, to navigate the worlds of on-premise infrastructure and cloud and to understand the steps you need to take to secure your environment.

With experience of working with many organisations like yours, we are able to quickly understand the specific nuances of your business and your priorities. This enables us to present clear and simplified options to optimise your current infrastructure and a roadmap to take you where you want to be.


Optimise On-premise infrastructure

Case Study: How we helped an Energy Company to understand their network and business risk.

NAK’s client is an oil exploration and production company who invests in brown-field sites and through improving efficiencies, are able to extend the lifecycle of these locations.

We helped the UK-based company tighten security, reduce risks, improve visibility and adopt best practice for their network environment.


NAK Case Study - Helping an Energy Company understand their network and business risk

How NAK Can Help

The Value We Bring To You

With NAK you gain the unique advantage of a partner that understands and is experienced in both on-premises and hybrid cloud environments.

This not only means we can help you to optimise and evolve both of these environments, but we provide that insight into how to smoothly migrate from on-premises to cloud environments.

You also gain the advantage of a partner that has expertise in both networking and security. In fact, we no longer view these as two separate worlds but a converged infrastructure that is secure by design.

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